
A:R Ch. 16: Introductions

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The cavern grotto was fairly dark. There was some kind of fungi that grew on the walls and ceiling, giving off faint light, but it wasn't much to go by. His stomach rivaled the surf in its rumbling, but though the sun had set some time ago, Shell had yet to return.

He had dug himself a pit in which he'd started a moderate driftwood fire. The dusk drew out the beach's crab population, of which he handily caught and spitted a couple for toasting. He split his time between watching the blue flames cooking his crabby appetiser, his general surroundings, and watching for Shell's return. While the area may have been hidden all this time, nobody said some binty crow couldn't discover it.

Gideon leaned back and let, for a few minutes, all his worries come out to play. How were Erandur and Rommy faring in the Cairn? Was Telki safe in the Isles? Was Merc safe in the barracks, were Tyr and Orien safe in the pits, or had they already outed him with the dragon? So very many ways this could all go so very wrong, and so few that didn't leave someone someway crippled. He just had to pray the powers that were guiding them were enough to overcome chance and malice. Gideon took a deep breath, and cleared his mind to meditate.

It felt like a sting, right on his upper arm. His initial reaction was to swat at it, but his arm wouldn't move at all.

Gideon rolled flat against the log, using it to cover and confuse his outline. Great, the numbness was spreading. He politely knocked on the mental link. ::Either I've royally ticked Shell off, or someone else has found her hidey hole. Care to have extraction ready?::

::What did you do this time?:: Telki demanded.

::See, that's the thing, I thought she left only mildly irritated. There is also a chance this isn't Shell. Aaand I'm now numb all over. I couldn't move if I wanted.::

::Right, want me to send Goldie? She still claims you owe her a kiss, by the way.::

::If I have to fus ro someone's dah, send Goldie. It could be Shell's version of teasing. I think.::

There was a momentary pause as Telki examined him through the link. ::Well, the good news is whatever's got you isn't poisonous, just a numbifyer, so there's that. I think I could manage a big surprise for whoever's creeping up on you, if you want it.::

::The more I think about it, this doesn't feel like a Shell sort of thing. If she was teasing, she'd want me to feel every tickle and tease. I'm numb.::

Something dark was tossed over his head, blocking what little he could see, followed by some oddly non-painful pins and needles as his arms and legs were moved, followed by pressure on his wrists and ankles.

"So, who do I have the pleasure of addressing? It's not often a prisoner is taken prisoner from a prison."

"What are you doing in here?" a strange, low voice asked. It had a peculiar quality to it, as if the person were talking with great difficulty.

"Cooking a pair of crabs until my warden comes back." Gideon tried to nod toward the firepit. "Please, help yourself. My stomach's strangely numb right now."

There was a long pause and what sounded like someone inhaling from a pipe, or when people blew into an deflated waterskin. "Your warden?" the strange voice finally asked.

"The person that brought me here. Very big danger in a very tiny package. I would not want her angry at me."

Despite the apparent numbness, Gideon certainly felt the next swift jab of the small dagger, and the strange feeling coursing through his veins from the wound. "Now you have to tell the truth," the odd voice said with something like satisfaction.

"Everything I have told you is the truth. Lies are boring, confusing, and usually not worth the time it takes to tell them. I get much further using the truth."

Another pause and strange flapping sound, "What did you do to the Bosmer?"

"Besides help her? Nothing. She left me here to wait for her until she was done with her training session."

"She was off. What did you do?" the voice insisted angrily. The last word came out an octave higher than the rest.

"Now, here's where we come to a problem. I don't know you, I don't trust you, and I'll be damned if I'll tell you something you can use to hurt her." Something jabbed him again, as if his interrogator thought whatever they were using to force the truth out of him wasn't working correctly. "Look, if you're not even going to trust whatever you're using to interrogate me, this isn't going to go anywhere. Just keep me tied up and you can wait for Shell to fill you in."

There was a muffled "eep" at the sound of Shell's name, as if the person hadn't expected to hear it. "You know her name?" the voice was quiet.

"She told me her name herself, when she decided I was crazy enough to be more entertaining alive than dead." Telki had been surreptitiously counteracting the poison, but was having to do it slowly, so that the glow didn't give him away, and she was still new to the whole Daedra levels of power business, and feared burning either herself or Gideon out.

"Do you happen to know a red kitty with purple eyes? She told me she met a very special girl out here, and that I should help keep an eye on her." Gideon might not be the fastest on the uptake, but he could put two and two together and come up with 'baby sister'. They were in Shell's protected place, and the squeaky voice was rather protective of her.

Another pause followed. "She did?" the voice asked, definitely getting higher and more childlike as whatever she had been inhaling wore off.

"She was very proud of how brave you were with the dragon, and royally miffed she had to leave, but she'll be back soon. She did not want to leave you even for a little bit."

Slowly, the cloth was pulled off his head, revealing a tiny girl that looked remarkably like Orien, with a slightly more delicate face and a mistrusting expression. She was also holding a dagger, which was slightly alarming.

"You must be Blossom. Hello, I'm Gideon Rainier."

Blossom flinched at her name, emotions whirling in her eyes where her sister was able to hide them behind flirtation and toughness, and her mother with cool detachment. "What did you do to Sissy?"

"I told her that she may be free to make her own decisions soon. It's a choice she's never had before, and it scared her a little bit."

"You scared my sister?" Blossom demanded, affronted.

"Well, let's be honest, not even you are scared of me, and she taught you, didn't she? So, it's not me she's afraid of, but the message.

"She's been stuck here a long time without choices, and since she's never had them, it's scary because she's not sure what the right ones are." Gideon leaned forward a little. Blossom scooched back. "Sometimes, it's very hard to tell, even with practice. Now imagine you have all the choices, and no practice in making them." Gideon leaned back, and tried to prop himself on his driftwood log. It was comical, but he finally got somewhat comfortable despite it all.

The girl considered his words. "What choices?" she finally asked.

"All of them. What she wants to do when she can leave the Island, who she wants to spend time with, where she wants to live." Gideon raised his eyebrow at Blossom. "Though I'm pretty sure your mom is still going to be making most of the choices for you, your near future probably includes more playtime and more siblings."

Open yearning crossed the girl's face before it closed up again. Lifting the bottle she held in one hand, she looked from it to the dagger and back again, then carefully corked the bottle. "True potion is no good on crazy people," she decided aloud.

Gideon laughed. "Not the first time I've heard that, either. Though, you'll see soon enough if I'm crazy or right. For both our sakes, I hope it's sooner rather than later. " He looked at her as if considering. "One thing I'm not sure about, though. Are you a little girl that likes stories, or songs?"

"I'm not supposed to sing; I'm awful," she told him matter-of-factly. "Besides, you never told me what you did to Shell. And I am not leaving until you do," her little face became very stubborn.

"Well, good. I want you here when she gets here. So that works for both of us."

"She's not coming tonight. Talon noticed she was off and gave her extra things to do," Blossom pouted at this.

"What?" That got Gideon's attention. "How long will those 'extra things' last?"

"I don't know. I haven't started training with magic yet. I hear it hurts," her eyes were wide.

"Magic training only hurts if you're doing it wrong. Stupid idiot Thalmor."

Short red hair cut far neater than Orien's swung back and forth. "To withstand magic, not do magic."

"That's what shields are for. Still stupid idiot Thalmor." Gideon slid himself along the log until he could look down the pit at the still toasting crabs. "So, since you don't believe me, and we'll both have to wait here for whenever Shell gets done, would you care to share a supper of toasted crab with me? You may want to pull them out now before they burn."

Heaving a reluctant sigh, the small girl walked over to the entrance, where she ducked out of sight just long enough to return with a basket nearly as big as she was, and from the looks of it, just as heavy. She had to drag it along the sand after a few steps, making little huffy noises of effort.

"Shor's Halls, were you feeding a squadron?"

"I didn't pack it!" she protested indignantly. "I don't even know you!"

That elicited another laugh. "Well, I know of you, and I would like you to learn enough of me to call me friend someday. That was the other thing that bothered Shell. She lost her friends and is scared to make new ones, because of what the Stupid Thalmor did to hers."

"The Empire killed a lot of her friends," Blossom grunted, still laboriously tugging the basket.

"Who sent them to the Empire, Blossom?" Gideon watched her progress, testing the ropes in case he had to lunge to save her from the pitfire. It physically pained him to watch her struggle and not be able to help.

"Dunno," she replied, looking into the basket, then pulling out a long pair of tongs and using them to remove the crabs from the fire before reaching back into the basket and skewering a pair of sausages.

"Hmmm, tell me, did Shell tell you to meet her here tonight?" Gideon had a suspicion forming. It created a funny little hitch in the pit of his stomach. If it were true.

"I was supposed to meet her, but she didn't say where we would be going. Just that we were having a picnic," Blossom grumbled, stabbing the ends of the skewers into the sand deep enough for them not to fall into the fire.

"Blossom, has she ever introduced anyone to you before?" He was fairly sure he knew that answer already.

"Sure. She introduced me to a bunch of fairies once, but they're all gone now," she said.

"Hmm." That didn't really help him. "What would you think, if I told you Shell was going to introduce us tonight and have a picnic together? Is that something she'd normally do?"

"No," Blossom shrugged. "Mostly it's Grandma Lili that introduces me to people." Her pert little nose wrinkled. "Sometimes I think Lili might be a fairy."

"Who did Grandma Lili introduce you to?"

"Well…" Blossom looked embarrassed and turned the skewers a bit to cook the other side of the sausages. "There was a time she sent me walking out of my head, and I met a boy that said he was a dragon and thought I was an elf. Then there was the Psijic man who really wanted to be elsewhere, and…" she flushed and muttered, "a talking grapefruit."


"How did you know?" she demanded, eye wide.

"The same way I knew about your red cat with the purple eyes. I wonder if the Psijic man was the same, too. Was his name Quaranir? He's the only Psijic I know."

"I don't know. He didn't get much out after Lili started going on about how tall he was and that he reminded her of her third husband and if she was only a few centuries younger she'd show him a thing or two."

Gideon laughed out loud. "Oh poor mer! Did he turn bright orange?"

Blossom giggled. "Yes. He has to respect her though, because she's really old. She says the original Thalmor would be rolling in their graves at the new ones, and that their queen was very nice."

"That's the way things sometimes go, sadly. The newer generations forget what the older generations went through to give them what they have, and they don't appreciate it, and they ruin it." Gideon sighed. "So, you still haven't told me, shall I sing to entertain you, or shall I tell you a story?"

"You don't have to entertain me," Blossom replied, taking out a bizarre little hand instrument that she used to crack open the crabs. After a moment, she dug around in the basket. "Do you eat these with salt and butter? Or salt or butter? Or…something?"

Gideon chuckled. "They are better if you have butter and garlic, yes. Though if you're hungry enough, the meat is sweet enough on its own."

Pulling out a little jar filled with minced garlic, she looked down at them doubtfully. "How much?"

"Just a pinch of garlic, it works better if you put it in melted butter, and dip the meat in the garlic butter mixture." There was another long moment of confusion on her part where she just stared at what she was doing, then into the basket. "Do you have a bowl with you?"

"Maybe?" she glanced back into the basket, put the jar down, and started rummaging.

"Set the bowl on the warm stones around the fire, put a small bit of butter in it, then a small sprinkle of garlic," Gideon instructed. "It'll melt, and you can dip the crab meat in it."

"What if I just scoop the insides out of one of those crab shells and put a fire rune in it?" she asked.

"Is it a steady heat fire rune, or one that will combust on contact? Probably easier just to use the crab shell as a bowl, and let the warm stones do the rest."

"It gives off steady heat if you don't poke it," she grumbled, taking his suggestion anyway. By that time the sausages were burning a little, and she had to turn them again.

Gideon chuckled. "First rule of magic safety: assume accidents will happen. What would happen if you touched the fire rune while dipping the crab meat in?"

"Toasted crab!" she declared, unperturbed.

"And a face full of hot butter," countered a chuckling Gideon.

"Sounds yummy," she giggled, scooping out crab innards into the other shell and carefully putting a pat of butter and a single pinch of the garlic in before nestling it in a small pile of sand she put on a rock to keep it upright.

::Um, well, that was interesting.:: Gideon perked up. Telki's voice sounded downright contrite.

::What happened?::

::Well, I was watching you and wee Blossom there, and the next thing I know, I'm a puddle of melted kitty on the floor. Again.::


::Luckily, I was able to pull myself together. It seems the upgrade kiss had unforeseen side effects, like my emotions having literal repercussions.::

::Upgrade kiss?::

::Uh, yeah, Rommy left a little of his Daedraness with me when he left me babysitting the Isles. Yay me?::

::Well, that's not a recipe for disaster.::

::Gideon!:: Her mental voice had a gong-like quality.

::You have to admit, it's scary.::

:: Pfft, I'm just hoping JiggyWiggy decides to make a pest of himself. Malacath said I could borrow Scourge.::

::Let's hope they get done in the Cairn before that happens.:: Gideon managed to keep an eye on Blossom while worrying over his wife's sudden catapult into godhood. ::When did you talk to Malacath?::

::Long distance birdcall.::


::Eh, wishful thinking and Rommy's powers made it happen? I got 'Cath laughing, and he said I could borrow Scourge anytime.::

::And how did you get him laughing?::

::Strangely enough, just telling him I'm dating Rommy. What we did to Boethiah's shrine didn't hurt.:: Telki took great pride in turning a place of sacrifice into a garden that sustained life. She insisted both Shor and Mara had shrines there.

Gideon took great care to make sure the dedication to Shor stuck. It was his first time using that particular ability. He was secretly wondering if Erandur was going to replace every evil Daedra's shrine with one of Mara's. He wouldn't be surprised to find notches on the back of his mace keeping score.

"Do you like bananas?" the little girl asked, leaning up from where she had practically been folded over the rim of the basket.

"What is it?" Gideon asked. "I've never even heard of them." Rather than answer, Blossom held up a long yellow fruit. Quite suddenly, he understood what Shell had meant earlier by "banana elves" and rolled laughing.

"Blossom! Your sister…she's…oh dear." Gideon gasped himself quiet. "Has she ever said anything about the Altmer and bananas?"

"Um, no?" the girl was watching him sort of warily, like she thought he might be having an adverse reaction to the poison.

"Eh, maybe it's better if I don't tell you yet. Less chance you get in trouble that way." Gideon's humor died quickly, thinking of what their reaction to the nickname might be. "I'll share your sister's joke with you later."

"You already got her in trouble. I'm not letting you get me in trouble," she grumbled, setting the fruit aside and digging in the basket again. "Oh!" she cried, righting herself when she all but fell in. "She did pack bowls!"

"Your sister is a very wise, very intelligent young lady."

"No she's not!" Blossom protested with the affront of someone who knows a lot more about their stupid sibling than any adult.

Gideon gave a slow smile and a sideways look at the young girl. "Hm, I suppose so. Afterall, she let a little thing like having choices get her in trouble with Talon."

He had to duck as a wadded up napkin was thrown at his head. "Don't make fun of Shell!" Blossom warned.

"You were the one just saying she wasn't intelligent. So, which is it?"

"I still have a dagger and I don't know what half those potions do," Blossom said, narrowing her violet eyes at him. "Make fun of Sissy and I will cut you."

"One: I like your sister very much, I was pointing out that you seem to have a double standard going there. I was teasing you. Two: it would make your kitty very unhappy if something bad happened to me. Three: it will make Shell very unhappy if something bad happened to me, and four: here's your rope back. I got bored." A neatly coiled bit of rope landed next to the basket.

Blossom stared at him in complete disbelief for a moment before she literally vanished in a burst of black light. Gideon stayed put, slightly miffed he'd apparently overplayed his hand. "Blossom, if I were going to hurt you, would I have given you the rope back? Or announced I was free? Come back and eat." He picked up one of the sausages and tasted it. "The sausages are ready." He gently moved the other one to where it was close enough to stay warm, but not burn, and sat back by the log to wait.

"Why is Shell scared of choices?" the little voice asked out of the dark.

"Because she's never had any before. It's a big change, and nothing has prepared her for it. Until now, she couldn't even imagine having choices." Gideon's voice was very sad as he said that. Then, with a bit of humor, he added. "You need not fear me, little one. Shell would use my guts for garters if I as much as thought about harming you."

"That's true," the girl said matter-of-factly, abruptly reappearing right where she had been. "And she could take you down easily."

"She could, but for some reason, you girls keep letting me live. Thank Shor I'm entertaining," Gideon winked at her.

"You're strange," Blossom informed him baldly, going back to her rummaging and pulling out a sweetroll with a cry of absolute joy.

"So, you like sweetrolls? Are they your favorite?" She just looked at him over a mouth so full of cake her cheeks puffed out, shining with frosting. Gideon could only chuckle at the precious picture.

::And I'm goo again.::

::I might join you.::

Looking vaguely guilty, she held out the half roll she had left. "Did you want some?"

"That's alright sweetling. You're enjoying it way more than I could. Please." Gideon waved her generous offer away, smiling at the smear of icing on her nose. She didn't give him an opportunity to change his mind, practically inhaling the rest of the sticky sweet before sighing that it was gone, then giving him a pensive look.

"What is it?" Gideon studied the thoughtful little face. "The last time I saw that look, Lucia was trying to talk me into keeping a wolfcub."

"Why are you so interested in Shell?" she asked, no dissembling whatsoever out of a Young One her age.

Gideon thought a moment. "Why did you like your red kitty? Can you find all the words to explain all the reasons? The best I can do is this: she is a person worth caring about."

"I like her because she plays with me," the girl replied. Gideon chuckled.

"That works, too."

::Soon as I figure this out, I'm making her a brand-spankin-new Blossom Kitty,:: Telki declared.

Titling her head so far she looked like she was going to fall over, Blossom asked, "Why does your face look so funny?"

"I was talking to someone. You have a present waiting for you, when we leave Summerset."

Rather than be happy, Blossom looked downright suspicious—though, oddly enough, not because she hadn't seen him talking with anyone, "What kind of present?"

"The kind that purrs."

Perking right up, she whispered, "Kitty?"

"Yep, and you get to keep her as long as you like."

"What if Ilmiyon finds her?" she asked, eyes big and sad and fearful.

"I have a feeling Ill Minion is not going to be a factor in our lives for much longer." Gideon's face was downright thunderous. Blossom flinched away from it and scooted behind the basket.

:: Plus, Kitty could eat him for lunch.::

Immediately contrite, Gideon winced. "Sorry. I am very mad at him right now. I did not mean to scare you."

"You're mad at Ilmiyon?" she asked, tucking some errant strands behind her slightly oversized pointed ear.

"Let me put it this way: if his guts were on fire, I wouldn't even spit on them."

::I'd be happy to test that out. Afterall, I'm supposed to practice my Dovahzul.:: A hazy mental image of Ilmiyon running about shrieking while on fire accompanied those words. Telki was still more than irate with the mer herself.

Blossom darted back to the little cache of poison bottles she'd brought. "This one really stings!" she suggested helpfully. "I made it out of fire ants!"

"You are a talented little lady. Thank you. However, I don't think that and my hammer will get along well." Gideon dutifully admired the little bottle, wincing at the memory of whatever it was Shell used on him when she was grieving Pearl.

"Oh, could you please use it on him? Please? He…he hurt my sister, and I really don't like him, but he'd kill me without trying. And he likes to tweak my ears!"

"Blossom, I want you to listen very carefully, okay? There is a lot going on right now, and much of it I can't tell you, because it would put you in danger to know, but very soon, I promise, you will not only be safe, but very happy. Okay?"

She sat back on her heels and regarded him for a moment. "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep," she told him sternly.

"I am a paladin of Shor, do you know what that means?"

"You're a heretic that worships heathen gods?" she replied brightly, saying the words carefully and as if she wasn't exactly sure what they meant, only that they were Important, and Bad.

"I keep my impossible promises, all the time." He booped her nose. "But you'll see for yourself soon enough."

"I brought blankets," she said, changing the subject. "Shell packed them all, but I brought them. It took a couple of trips."

"Are you cold?"

She shook her head. "No, but I have to go. Someone will notice if I'm out here much longer."

"It was lovely to meet you, Blossom. Stay safe, please."

"Okay!" she replied, hopping up.

"Excuse me, but may I offer you a hug? I'm told I'm very good at them."

"You could squish me without trying," she said.

"And Shell would gut me if I did. I have three little girls, all unsquished at home."

"Maybe later," she said, not entirely trusting him. Eating dinner and talking with the big man was one thing. Putting herself within his reach when they were all alone and no chance of backup was another.

"As you wish." Gideon dropped his arm, not hiding the disappointment on his face. That distrust was probably a necessity with her life as it was, and it hurt that she needed it at all.

With a little wave, she scampered off, vanishing into the shadows before she even reached the door.

::I got water dumped on me again.:: Telki's thoughts had a rueful, soggy undertone.


::Apparently, I nearly combusted.::


::Mad at Ilmiyon, at her upbringing, that I can't tell her Pearl's fine, and sad for her, because that sort of environment is just…unbelievable. So, I was getting a little…steamy, and Fanny threw a bucket of water on me. Then he turned into potatoes.::

:: By Azura.:: Gideon was snickering, and couldn't resist the Bosmer's favorite phrase.

::Careful; why do you think Fanny turns into potatoes?:: They both laughed, and then Gideon and she talked until he fell asleep there by the pit, wrapped in a blanket that smelled of orange blossoms.

In which Gideon is tied up and held for questioning.




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Sir-Douglas-of-Fir's avatar
Hamtaro Mouse Emoji-03 (Squee) [V1] Well if that wasn't the cutest interrogation ever, I don't know what is. I can't offer too much by way of commentary, since this was mostly just a quiet character moment, but it was a delight to read all the way through. I am still utterly jealous of the way Evil-is-Relative writes children. I especially liked the enthusiastic presentation of Blossom's fire ant potion. :D Poor girl would probably explode if she knew the extent of "Sissy's" intentions for Gideon.

Good to see Telki's handling the powers of the Madgod well enough, goo puddles and self-immolation aside, though I'd have to agree that Rommy and Erandur probably need to get back from the Soul Cairn sooner than later (Ulfric optional :p). I'd hate to see what kind of havoc might erupt if the Thalmor do something to make her really angry while she's got access to the powers of a deity. Or then again, maybe I wouldn't. ;)